Expats in Dubai Podcast

The National with Amber Waheed offer advice on how to avoid dishonest financial advisers | Ep. 45

Amber Waheed / Felicity Glover Season 2 Episode 45

One of the biggest personal finance concerns many people have faced over the years is dishonest advisers selling complex, high-commission financial products to unsuspecting investors that can lock them in for years.

Amber Waheed was one of them. Amber lost $80,000 after being duped by her advisor, Neil Grant into signing up for long-term investments she believed were low risk.

It is a familiar, heart-breaking tale for many. But Amber decided to fight back and took her case to the UAE regulators. This was the first step in what turned out to be a landmark legal case in the UAE when Neil Grant was convicted of offering financial advice without a licence.

Amber joins host Felicity Glover, the Personal Finance Editor at The National, to talk about her experience and share advice to victims of financial fraud.

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