Expats in Dubai Podcast

How much does fear play into preventing us from grasping perspective? Actor Will Smith on what skydiving in Dubai taught him about fear | Ep. 29

Amber Waheed / Will Smith Episode 29

Over a third (34%) of people admit to a personal fear stopping them from doing something they wanted to achieve in life. Behavioural psychologist Jo Hemmings supported Franklin Roosevelt’s saying: ‘The only thing to fear, is fear itself’. And in many ways he was right - fear is what ultimately holds us back from many of the activities and challenges in life that could enrich us rather than damage us in some way. Many of us simply avoid fear, stepping away from situations or objects that trigger anxiety. While this may practically alleviate it in the short run, it also accentuates a feeling of failure and lack of confidence in the long run.

Skydiving is known to be a real catalyst for confronting your fear head-on and turning your life around, because following a sky dive everybody will experience feeling a huge confidence boost in their own abilities, the feeling of having achieved something ‘truly amazing. It is testament to how rewarding this adrenaline-filled sport can be.

In this episode, movie star, Will Smith, talks about what his experience of skydiving in Dubai and what skydiving taught him about fear, and how it changed his life, giving him the confidence to overcome any challenges in other walks of life.

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